Utter trash
24 February 2017
It's insane that the sublime and the substandard can coexist like this. For anyone who has seen the wonderful Lego Batman Movie currently out in theatres you will literally be jaw-dropped at how bad Gotham City Breakout is. The Lego DC series started off so well but gradually got worse and worse. I have no interest left in this series. It was a mistake to shift the focus away from Batman and bring in the rest of the Justice League, especially Superman, who just doesn't work as a character, in any capacity, in 2017.

There is no plot here, just a mess of scenes, but I will try to put it in something resembling a sense-making order. Batman goes away on vacation for his crime-fighting anniversary while Superman does a pretty poor job of watching over Gotham City. Sounds simple enough but they both go off on so many tangents that nothing at all seems to be the focus. The characters are aggravating, the writing so juvenile and cringe-worthy it would make CBeebies blush, and the musical score, as expect, is too loud and intrusive.

No child is going to be entertained by this. Despite what the producers might think, children actually want challenging and stimulating entertainment. This is neither. Even at 78 minutes this long outstays its welcome. Skip it.
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