Planetarium (2016)
Many better films to spend your valuable time on
5 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Planetarium (2016) This movie , similar to the directors 2013 "Grand Canal" tackles a worthy theme with mixed results. The former film main premise was the French nuclear industry workers plight, in Planetarium the fate of French Jewish entrepreneurs during WW2. Each film mixes some romance massages and the in the case of Planetarium a sub plot around trying to film paranormal experiences and a manipulative obsessed movie mogul. Sadly for this viewer neither of this filmmakers realisations manages to engage me sufficiently to care about the lead actors plight. In not being engaged with story (both written by this young director )they fail to reach a satisfactory conclusion.

Planetarium has some big name actors held back by inadequate direction of a script which meanders around its themes. Added to this are large continuity errors (Portman lifts and coats hood and next cut she walking without) and technical clichés (sound boom in camera) . these things are overlooked in a compelling movie but stand out when the realization is so lacklustre. Planetarium is a large glossy production with excellent costumes and period rendition (WW2) these can not save the movies fate. Shame that budget might of made some really good movies.
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