Don't let your self watch it!
15 March 2017
Okay so I just watched this movie and I don't think reality is real anymore. This is not a movie is good. I mean this is not a good movie. I mean this is not a movie. Does this count as a movie? I have no idea. what is even happening anymore

I struggled to find the movie in this movie. By the end of watching it I was begging for mercy and got none. It's a mess and will always be a mess no matter how you watch it. It's not even funny ironically. I can't watch this again. Never. Again.

I'd rather eat a mountain of rocks while being bombarded with pirate beavers while trying to beat all of the Dark Souls games than to watch another minute of this horrible excuse for a movie. I'm done. If I ever have to lay a finger on this movie again then I'm gonna delete the internet.

Well, I guess it's time for me to do what I always do and list everything I think about the movie (if I can)

Plot: "None" NA/NA

Acting: "Hobo-level" 2/10

Audio: "Underground cave" 4/10 4/10 4/10

Music: "Fell asleep on keyboard" Kazoo/Orchestra

Sets: "Trip to the recycle center" Cardboard/10

Animation: "First time on a computer" 2/10

Editing: "Windows movie maker" 10/100-,000,000,000,000

Overall: "Atrocity to end all atrocities" Torture session/10

Recommended price: -1,247,639,452,946,393,649,236,492,649 dollars

Do not buy After Last Season. Do quote me on that.
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