Review of Logan

Logan (2017)
Major violence, foul language and sadness abounds
21 March 2017
I read a few other reviews and cannot imagine how this movie could be called a beautiful swan song for Logan or Xavier. Logan is a grumpy old alcoholic with lethal tendencies who is soured by the horrors of his life. The story in this movie confirms that he has good reason to be this way. It was not my kind of comic book material. I only give it a 7 because it wasn't horrible as a movie. Just really over the top with swearing and horrific reality-based violence compared with other X- Men movies. I rate it less than other X-Men movies because the mutant powers are not shown as much as I think they could have been, other than the heavy use of claws. For example - Caliban was a pretty important character and I don't feel we really ever knew what his mutant power was. Certainly it wasn't just being sensitive to sunlight.

On a side note about Xavier. We saw him die in X-Men: The Last Stand. Then we saw him alive at the end of The Wolverine, at a time Logan was grieving dead Jean Grey. Logan looked surprised at Xavier's appearance but there was no explanation other than "I have a few tricks up my sleeve". I am wondering if this was explained in Days of Future Past and I just don't remember it. His death back in The Last Stand really hit hard and he was dead a good 7 years between movies, only to be alive up until the year 2029 and well, you will know when you see the movie.
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