Power Rangers (2017)
Discount Breakfast Club got superpowers, presented by Krispy Kreme
22 March 2017
Join five teenagers as they embark on overly complex origin story, staggering change in directional tone, intense product placement and awkward usage of nostalgia. The hectic mess is not without its charm, the team is, at the very least, likable with more personality than transforming robot movies in recent time had, though it's not a high achievement. The best thing one could say about this reboot is it could've been so much worse.

Origin story isn't the most novel idea, but it has become a necessity as of late, especially for a reboot. The Rangers undergo a series of exposition, mainly taking serious direction from other superhero themed movie Chronicle, but also translating the corny style from its original television show. It tells both the story of apocalypse and also abundance of jokes, and then it veers into the realm of heavy personal issues.

The sudden shift is felt so many times that the movie feels like a robot piloted by several people. However, it's not without charm or humor. The cast might feel bizarrely put together at fight, but they do have their moments. This provides a little bit of bravado and less vanilla than the original show. If anything, they are limited only by the fantasy troupes which may seem predictable or campy, then again this is Power Rangers, not Logan.

It has one edge over other superhero movies; the product placement. The trend has been done for years, but Power Rangers take it to the next level. For action, humanoid and robotic, it mostly stays true to the original source, including poses and jingles. This does feel like an afternoon show with the ad and spark of nostalgia.

Many have complained that superhero movies are too gritty or too corny, Power Rangers is both, often at the same time. This is clearly not an advantage as it would have fared much better sticking to the light humor or heavy personal struggle. Still, for a movie based on 90s children show, it offers mild indulgent and barely avoids being a total disaster.
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