Dino-Riders (1988)
An Honest Review
1 April 2017
I watched a few on youtube for nostalgic reasons and...I am going to try write this review like I saw it as an 8 year-old boy.

It's what made being a little kid in the '80s great, it was the era before the government ruined Saturday Morning Cartoons.

Here you have...

1: Outer Space 2: Adventure 3: Action 4: Dinosaurs 5: Science-Fiction

What little boy is not going to love that? What little boy is not going to watch that and, in typical '80s fashion, what little kid is not going to want the toys to play with?

The only problem is, exercising greed and lack of scientific knowledge, instead of adding new dinosaurs, they changed the Second Season to Ice Age Animals and killed it all.

Trust me, the Ice Age is fascinating to me as an adult that works in history...but I was once a little boy and according to some people I still am a little boy and little boys want dinosaurs not wholly mammoths.

So the cartoon died in its second season and the toys stopped selling and we lost what would have otherwise been an epic childhood cartoon.
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