Waiting for thrills and suspense
10 April 2017
This film opens, kind of stylishly, with a very sleazy type setting, this orgy between some high class call girls and business execs, bordering on R territory. It's kind of weird, as matched against what follows, where hottie, Whirry provides the rest of the nudity and little sex in this very t.v. sex crime drama, about a divorced cop, Nouri, just one of the talents, wasted in this unexceptional limited thriller/drama, who's investigating a few call girl deaths, involving rough play, where they've been strangled. Nouri also has a weakness for, sex with call girls, where the latest is Whirry. His ex is going out with a mafia related lawyer who accidentally kills a call girl at the start, where, he's now being blackmailed. Could he of killed the others? And later he ends up dead? Well, that one, blows that possibility out of the window. Now who could of done it, and another call girl is murdered. Now, don't strain your noggen to who this might be. There are no surprises in this movie. You know pretty much, what's gonna happen all the way through. There are some laughable acting moments too. Meg Foster, as a contact of a Madam, plays a real weirdo, while Devane, as the police Lieutenant, looks the most, unhappy, about acting in this movie. The opening credits come on, as though you're watching a weekly t.v. cop show. Favor one shot where Nouri and his good friend partner return from their first meeting with Foster. VERY CLOSE IN FRONT OF CAR SHOT, where the car nearly occupies the whole of screen. Why? To be cool and original. Take HM, for what's it's worth, a b average cop and limited thriller. Though limited, sums up about everything in the film. It's assets, some sleazy sex, nudity, likable actors, and WHIRRY. AKA. Hollywood Madam, but we know the real answer to that one, don't we.
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