Jesus, Bro! (2017)
Another Win for Crowdfunding
29 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'll keep this review relatively short and sweet, with my main point being that you will enjoy this film immensely if you're a fan of any of these talented reviewers or their sites. Chock full of hilarious PureFlix references (my favorite being the bit about the main character/director/terrifying creep from "Old Fashioned"), and delivered in the Brad Jones vein of humor found in his scripted Cinema Snob reviews, as well as his done-on-the-spot Midnight Screenings. The acting is very good considering the budget (and that the actors themselves happily acknowledge that they are not professional actors in other videos), and the direction is satisfactory. The jokes occasionally hit a wall but for the most part are hilariously on target ("Oh, to be 34 again...")

One aspect of this film that jumps off the screen is that it is more than clear to the viewer that all who are involved in this feature have a palpable camaraderie and seem to be having a blast while making this passion project of theirs. Adds depth to the on screen action and lends a positive tone to the comedy as a whole.

Would recommend to any fan of Channel Awesome. I rented the movie on Vimeo for $3.99 but after seeing will more than likely order a DVD copy to show to friends.
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