A Great Episode Mocking One of The 60s' Absolute Worst Movies!
2 May 2017
Manos: The Hands of Fate. That's all that needs to be said. A film so horrible, so poorly edited, so poorly written, performed and directed that it's quite a shock that the film's over fifty years old. HOW can a film be THIS old and be THIS bad? Well: it turns out that even in a decade as culturally progressive as the 60s wasn't immune to horribly made movies like THIS steaming turd. And it's MST3K's job to tackle this infamous movie with its classic commentary. Viewing this film is its own story of perseverance. As is shown in this episode.

Every skit-break is a breath of relief from the movie, though when the film IS playing the commentary eases the pain that is Manos. Tom Servo and Crow are hard-boiled film critics in their universe, and even THEY couldn't sit through this one without traumatizing their fragile circuits.

This episode is a classic in the show's history, and how ballsy it was to resurrect this film's reputation as one of the worst... ever. MST3K, you make bad movies tolerable to watch with your commentary. And this episode is wonderfully done.
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