Doctor Who: The Time of Angels (2010)
Season 5, Episode 4
Gravity fails
2 May 2017
The staple and stock fare of this series are that the Doctor and/or his companions get into a sticky situation and then doctor shakes a stick and the issue is solved. It is magic. It is Deus ex Machina. Dr. Who is god(or Merlin or Gandalf). All is fine though for this is not to be taken seriously.

Creepy angel statues come to live when you are not watching and then they eat you or something.It really doesn't matter what their motives are. Between unseen killing and standing still they use the voices of the recently killed to give Dr. Who hints. The ultimate evil creatures are yet another threat to the universe. Can there be an even bigger hyperbole?

A group of soldiers and a mysterious lady are added to the group, so there is a body count and some snappy dialogue. You can't have the doctor help Amy escape death in the nick of time all the time! So there has to be blood.

The episode is all over the place, from soldiers shooting at statues, running from statues or getting slaughtered by them to Amy walking with her eyes closed between those statues, who think she is watching them because.. because she has a beeping thing in her hand. Which might have come in handy at the start of the episode. Dr. Who is not only omnipresent but omniscient, for he knows exactly what the statues are planning. In the end, the doctor waves his wand and wins, no surprises there.

As said, it is not to be taken seriously. I wonder why I keep watching this. There is nobody to relate to and it is utter nonsense. Gravity falls here. Oh sorry. I meant fails. Did I spoil anything?
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