Blue Bloods: Growing Boys (2013)
Season 4, Episode 6
Suits and steroids
18 May 2017
A cry from an old high school girlfriend Charisma Carpenter sends Donnie Wahlberg into action. Carpenter has taken up with an ex-pro football player Stink Fisher who uses her like a punching bag. Carpenter has a lot of mileage on her, but no reason to use her as a punching bag.

Fisher who runs a gym is into selling steroids and the narcotics squad is taking a serious look into him. Wahlberg gets him and Marissa Ramirez assigned temporarily there. In fact it's Ramirez who is the one who really breaks the case and someone's gonads besides in a figurative way.

Will Estes pursuing a couple of gangbangers has one of them die when he was hit by a car. The department completely clears him. But the family is in the hands of a bottom feeding shyster who won't let go. The city might have to pay out millions.

All in a day's work for the Reagans.
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