Is it just me, or does Dracula look like Sacha Baron Cohen?
20 May 2017
Buxom blonde Vegas showgirl Judith (Regina Carrol) goes looking for her missing sister Joanie (Maria Lease), her search leading her to a fairground sideshow run by Dr. Duryea (J. Carrol Naish), the last of the Frankenstein family, who is working on a serum that can revive the dead. Helping Duryea in his work is hulking axe-wielding dope Groton (Lon Chaney Jr.) and midget barker Grazbo (Angelo Rossito). Also joining in with the fun are Count Dracula (Zandor Vorkov), who believes that the scientist's serum will make him invincible, and Frankenstein's monster, who has been exhumed by the vampire.

There's no denying that Dracula vs Frankenstein is a lousy film, shot and acted with zero semblance of skill or talent, but it's also fairly entertaining for that very reason. With a 'make it up as they went along' script, inept special effects, laughable performances, and random guff involving hippies and bikers, this is grade-Z drive-in nonsense that fans of trash cinema will lap up. Among the film's hilarious highlights are Judith's awful musical number (her ample chest barely contained by her outfit), the axe-swinging Groton lopping off Joanie's head, Judith having a bad acid trip, the unexpected death of a major character (zapped by Dracula's deadly laser ring), and the unforgettable sight of Dracula ripping off the monster's arms.
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