Terrible. Embarrassing. Ignorant. Angering.
8 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This might well be the worst 'documentary' of cult kids I've ever seen. It may as well be some episode of Jack Black's 'Documentary Now!', it's that bad. That said, I'm SGA: a cult kid. This 'film' is absolutely wretched. The 'film-makers' should go back to Brooklyn or wherever they are from and never do this again.

The problems: there is, among cult kids, what I have grown to call the Persistence of Belief: that is, the exiting cult kids retain the basic beliefs while experimenting with the outside world; in this case, the extreme Mormon beliefs these kids were raised with are only, and I mean ONLY, magnified expressions of LDS doctrine, and when these kids exit, they exit into only a slightly less virulent version of what they grew up with. Nowhere is it explored if they have changed anything except their desire for broadened sexual opportunities.

There is a very telling 'interview' in which a kid describes some vague bad guy as 'That guy who killed those kids', and the alleged film-makers interject, 'Hitler'? and the kid politely agrees with them: in fact the person he is referring to is Bill Clinton. The Waco Branch Davidian Compound crime sent shock waves throughout splinter groups in the USA and THAT is what that kid was referring to, and these morons knew nothing about it.

This is an excellent example of how some people should not be allowed cameras. Worst rating. Terrible. Awful. For the ignorant.
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