Hope Lost (2015)
Hope lost, for the much better film you expect
12 June 2017
I could pass a test of predictability with full marks on this film, and this is what this film does, walks that path, it's set. Because with these lure pretty girl/comes sex slave movies, we've seen it all before. I was disappointed big with this one, after first seeing the preview, with some hard to stomach themes. It's the last half hour (the snuff part, and those piggy masks are scary, you'll be having a Hostel moment) that's gets disturbing and really intense, with two surprisingly good jolt moments. This is another story about a beautiful Romanian girl, (Agostini, a black haired beauty that shines in the role, she's very good) fed up with her small town existence, looking for a more exciting life of fame and glamour, sold short of her promises, where a more real interminable hell quickly ensues at the hands of some pimps and sadist pornographers, one at the start in disturbing contrast, the real suave, normal Russian producer guy. The poor girls, end up on a death ride, into Snuffland. It's terrible watching all these good actors, reduced or resorting to this bad material. They're (a now beefy Madsen, Trejo, and Daniel Baldwin at his sickest, not bad though, + others) such a bunch of perverted scumbags, all here for show, you just want to shoot or make really suffer. I'm going with the latter. You'll be happy how one, the young raping guy, gets it, another unfortunately getting away. Misha Barton (God, this was that little girl in Notting Hill) an older more experienced and strung out pro, who befriends, Agostino, was very good. I can't see how people are rubbishing her, as I thought the accent was very convincing. The actors all do a good job, but Barton and to a lesser extent, Baldwin were the two that stood out. A little bit of sick violence, left in the aftermath, but Hope Lost really came off with amateurish moments, and kind of dulled for a bit or more correctly, cliché'd and dropped pace after the twenty minute mark. Like the 1999 thrill shocker 8MM, much better, or to a smaller extent, Taken, this film again, serves as a reminder, about that big dangerous trap out there, awaiting wannabe starlets who just take off for fame, some who are sadly never seen again. And you're probably wondering about the fates of the girls in these. Again, I was sold short, as I really wanted the end of the film, like the rest of it, to live up to it's title. A kind of spin of originality, was the suss lesbian combat trained customer, Agostino picks up, who becomes the hero and the girl's savior, that first sex scene in the car, I couldn't believe I was witness too. To see the careers of actors, like Madsen, and hauntingly Barton's, to sink to these B movie levels, it is bloody sad. I mean Michael, Skin Traffik, now this. Where did we wrong Mr Blonde? On the a whole, a disappointing, messy, 8MMetre'ish film, that could of been much better if more thought was poured into the project, as seeing the last 25 minutes is higher platform with nerve shredding suspense, and intensity. How sad.
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