The Enemy Within (1994 TV Movie)
The Enemy Within
12 July 2017
Most remakes of an already successful movie are bound to be faulted for their alleged pale-by-comparisons that are all too common when comparing two movies . But since I have copies of both , I'd like to give my support for this updated remake .While it may be faulted for lacking some of the ingredients of the original , it should be commended for adding some components that the original did not have . In the original, Jiggs Casey apparently has no family but does have a somewhat platonic relationship with the former lover of the turncoat general . In the remake , Colonel Casey(whatever happened to "Jiggs", LOL ?) has a son that he is trying(somewhat unsuccessfully) to connect with . His son figures in one of the more dramatic scenes involving a Russian Agent . The VP is murdered along with a female employee of the WH staff . Although there are no meetings in parking garages or plots to kidnap the POTUS at a secluded lake there are plenty of suspenseful moments . I did feel that too much of the original dialogue was inserted in the sequel that didn't fit in with the remake as well as it did original . But overall, I thought this movie was worth looking at . It should be looked on as an update rather than a cheap rip off of the original .
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