Familiar faces from the 1950s British movies
16 July 2017
The above only reviewer succinctly identifies the main plot elements of this film.My review is therefore concerned with more abstract matters.I saw "Front Page Story" for the first time tonight on Youtube.com which surprised me as I thought I had seen most of the popular films from this era.I always like recognising familiar actors from other films so these were the ones I recognised.From "A Night to Remember(1958): Michael Goodliffe, as designer Thomas Andrews, Joseph Tomelty as ship's doctor Dr O'Loughlin and in a minor role the first officer of the "Californian" although I cannot recall his real name but he also appeared with Jack Hawkins in "Angels One -Five (1952) and with Michael Redgrave/Richard Todd in "The Dam Busters (1955) as a radio officer.

The writer of the screenplay was evidently an admirer of Shakespeare when during a trial scene he paraphrases Portia's "The quality of mercy.." speech from "The Merchant of Venice" and I noticed another Shakespearean quote later which I think was from Julius Caeser about "the good that men do..." said by Mark Anthony as an epitaph.Jack Hawkins unwisely forgets about his wife's need for companionship by reneging on a promise to take her on a holiday to Paris despite several of his journalist colleagues exhorting him to take the break.As it turned out it saved his life as the plane crashed after taking off from Northolt (which is an RAF aerodrome now, not a civilian one) familiar to me as I used to live in Northwood Middlesex which is near.Jenny Jones a child actress played her part as the grieving daughter of her mother who dies in the film.

The moral I suppose is don't become a workaholic as this can produce psychological problems and stresses in a marriage.Average I rated it 6/10.
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