Naked Among Wolves (2015 TV Movie)
As close to reality as it gets
17 July 2017
People who can see this docudrama without feeling any pain, compassion or empathy for the victims locked in the Buchenwald Camp, or disgrace on behalf of or anger against the psychopaths and brainwashed men who tortured and butchered them, are either psychopaths and brainwashed themselves, or they simply haven't seen any film like Naked Among Wolves, or any documentary about the concentration- or extermination camps of Nazi Germany. For someone who are able to say this wasn't a very good film, I recommend to get much deeper into the subject.

YouTube is full of documentaries on the subject, also from when the highest commanding officer of the US Army, General Eisenhower, gave orders to force the population of the nearby town of Weimar to visit the camp and witness the horrible deeds of the Nazi regime. Perhaps people who are not able to realize reality, even still after seeing this brilliant film, should pay Auschwitz a visit. We who are able to experience this horrific moment in history only through this masterpiece are lucky, because this is as close to reality as it gets.
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