The Twilight Zone: Spur of the Moment (1964)
Season 5, Episode 21
Very good and interesting
29 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I like the actress (Diana Hyland) that plays the girl in this episode. Diana was also in TZ ep "Two" where she and one man are the only people left after a war and are roaming the empty streets of the city together. In this ep, Diano is riding her horse in the country when chased by a mysterious screaming woman in black. Very frightened by it back at her home, we see she lives in quite a big, wealthy, nice house. Then her ex barges in, not to the likings of Diana, and definitely not to the likings of her rich aristocrat father, badgering her to come back to him. Her dad, who sort of looked like and reminded me of Daddy Warbucks from "Annie", along with Diana's present fiancé by his side, gets right on him to get out of their house and out of their lives. Due to having a listening problem, he pulls out a gun to get him out of there. I liked how when he finally left, Diana's fiancé says " I almost feel sorry for him", and her dad replies with a smile "but not quite, right?". Fiancé: "right, not quite". Dad: "I think it's time for a good, stiff, drink". Speaking of drinks, we then cut to about 25-30 years into the future where we see a noticeably aged Diana knocking back liquor and showing us how she has now become a bitter, middle aged, alcoholic. Her mom, who was in the earlier scene with Diana's dad and the whole ex and gun situation, is now also looking noticeably older and a lot more bitter than before. We learn how Diana's dad has now passed on, and that they are bitter because of how badly he spoiled them for so many years.The writers of this episode did an excellent job with makeup of making them look convincingly aged. It just makes me wonder why they didn't do this with TZ ep " sixteen millimeter shrine" when they made the main character Barbara Dean Trenton look exactly the same in her 30 years later scenes from her earlier scenes. That was the one problem that kept that ep from really being good. Oh well, the writers learned from that error in this ep. We also see that 40 something year old Diana ended up marrying the ex, who also looks a lot older, the guy that her dad chased away with a gun 25-30 years earlier. It's there where I assumed that Diana's dad had not only spoiled her, but controlled her, and it was him that forced her to be with that other yuppie fiancé instead of the ex that he chased out with a gun. We then see another scene from years ago when Diana runs from her fiancé to jump into the arms of her ex, and we learned who she really loved. I do understand though why Diana and her mother are so bitter, spending years being spoiled and controlled by someone, and then them passing away leaving them stranded can definitely mess someone up.


The mysterious screaming woman in black at the beginning of the ep was Diana's older self who apparently traveled back in time to scare her young self away from making the wrong choices. There are definitely better ways she could've approached her instead of screaming like a crazy woman, but that kind of is what she became, she was not too stable anymore, and was also drunk at the time since we saw her knocking back liquor right before jumping on her horse to go back into time to find her 19 year old self. This ep also did not show us how the middle aged Diana went back in time, we saw no machines or mechanisms. I suppose this was sort of like TZ ep "Walking distance" where you could just simply be walking through an invisible time change window and then you're there in the earlier time.
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