Brats (1930)
Vintage American comedy from the funniest comedy team!
30 July 2017
As with most Laurel and Hardy shorts, "Brats" is an uproariously funny film with many classic gags. Stan and Ollie are babysitting their own sons at home for the evening. You can imagine what happens! Absolute bloody chaos! Little Ollie initiates the trouble by squeezing little Stan's arm and the anarchy immediately results. There follows the attempts of the adult Stan and Ollie in trying to enjoy a game of chequers and then snooker before the damage occurs. The two children are sent to bed early, little Ollie blames Stan and smacks his head. The latter retaliates by poking Ollie in his eye! I can never stop laughing at "Brats," just as with Laurel and Hardy in general.
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