Review of VooDoo

VooDoo (2017)
Don't watch this movie
1 August 2017
I just saw the Bye Bye Man, which is a really terribly made and poorly directed movie filled with actors who can't perform. There's little redeeming quality to that piece of "film", plus there's a ton of information out there already on YouTube and movie review sites about it, it's not worth my time to repeat what the critics and independent movie reviewers have said about it. Now onto this piece of crap. The reason why I choose to review Voodoo is because the first half of the movie is unexpectedly intriguing and well shot. The movie begins with some voodoo demon worshiping ritual with a woman stabbing this already lifeless body. The screen fades to black and then we see the main protagonist lady arriving at LA and recording the entire trip on her camera. Let me refer to her as long-hair. Long-hair stays with her cousin, which I will now refer to as short-hair, and a bunch of roommates in a dark creepy house during her trip. The cousins go out celebrating their reunion and meets Ron Jeremy (a famous movie star with special talents in the adult industry, if you have no clue who he is). Everything goes well until poop hits the fan, first a psychic sees long-hair and senses she's got something insidious vibe going on, then her ex-boyfriend calls her on the phone to inform her that she's cursed. It is revealed early in the movie that long-hair dated this dude who's married and has an unforgiving wife who is able to practice witchcraft and put spells on people. The wife found out that the husband was cheating on her with long-hair, she got super mad and cursed long-hair. So far so good, and the two leading actresses are doing a fine job. In the first half, long-hair accidentally set her camera on night-vision and she's surrounded by spooky looking spirits that can only be captured on a camera. I thought that was one interesting way to sneak in some scary scene. My problem begins with the second half of the movie, which turns into complete chaos. One night, long-hair is disturbed by some loud noise downstairs and she goes to investigate. Then all hail (a note to IMDb if you're reading this, was this the "prohibited word" that I couldn't use? What is the definition of "prohibited words"? You have to clearly include it in your guidelines so your users don't spend an hour editing their movie reviews and scratching their heads about which words are naughty, Kay?) breaks loose, somehow she is dragged into this demon world and tortured by all the evil spirits. The camera is still rolling at this point and long-hair is right there in the frame, I guess I need to give this demon camera person some credit for doing an amazing job. The two halves don't mesh together at all and feel like two totally different movies. Plus the demon world is very incompetently captured. Where does it even come from? What kind of witchcraft is that? How can one person summon twenty demons all at once? Do these demons not have anything else going on, like scaring and haunting other families? The second half is a full-on demon festive, unbelievable. I guess the movie sends out two messages: one, don't be dating dudes who're married to crazy evil women; and second, it's not that hard to conjure up a bunch of demons at the same time (look at other movies, one freaking demon is usually enough to screw up the entire family, can you feel what long-hair is enduring in this movie?).
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