Jesus, Bro! (2017)
A great comedy but with some flaws
19 August 2017
I grew up a big fan of Channel Awesome and Doug Walker as the Nostalgia Critic but I now must say that Brad Jones (aka, the Cinema Snob) is actually my favorite of the Channel Awesome group. I love his deadpan delivery, quick-editing jokes, and the fact that he does no annoying skits! Although he's made other movies (none of which I've seen to be honest), Brad Jones's Jesus, Bro! is probably his most anticipated. I quickly bought it on DVD and I'm very glad I did. This film is very funny! However, there are quite a few flaws with it. For one, I think the directing lacked the punch it should've had. It's not BAD at all, but the editing for a film like this should be a lot tighter and not as loose. Many jokes lost their edge because the directing and editing left a lot of the power out of the moments. I also thought many characters acted a bit ridiculous, and I know this is a comedy but some moments just completely jump the shark, like, the fact that there is an online Atheist community with an award for "best atheist" is a bit too much to swallow. The biggest issue is that the film feels like an episode of the Nostalgia Critic most of the time. A GOOD episode, but half the time I expected the NC commercial break with the flames and the condensed theme-song to pop up at the end of every scene. Now onto the good:...basically everything else! Most of the jokes are at least a little funny and there are several gut busters all throughout the film. The premise is especially funny and most of the humor came from the character being transformed and trying to change his ways even with all the awful douches in his life. The dialog is also very Kevin Smith-ish, with lines like "Jesus couldn't even take a good flogging", and then it switches into the dark style of writing that someone like Eli Roth would do (I know Brad hates Eli Roth, but I promise I'm giving a compliment!). I honestly think Tarantino would get a huge kick out of this film because the style of dialog would really appeal to him, as would the wacky plot and characters. Actually, the more I think of it, this film seems pretty Tarantino-ish. Easily the best of the Channel Awesome films but still with a lot of flaws that hopefully can be fixed in the next round to make something amazing.
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