Review of Badi

Badi (1984)
E.T. phone Turkey
20 August 2017
One of the many Turkish ripoffs of famous movies from the US depicts a boy befriending an alien. Yep, "Badi" is Turkey's very own "E.T.". And this time, the boy's extraterrestrial friend looks bizarre! It's one of those no-budget movies that you watch just to laugh at it. The copy that I saw didn't have subtitles, but you don't need to know what they're saying since there's not much in the way of acting going on.

This is one of three "E.T." ripoffs (that I know of, at least). The others were 1983's "Pod People" (riffed on "Mystery Science Theater 3000") and 1988's "Mac and Me" (by far one of the worst movies ever made; it was less a movie than a 90-minute ad for McDonald's and Coca Cola).
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