Eat, Play, Love (2017 TV Movie)
Loses steam quickly
22 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This one started out pretty promisingly: Cute heroine, and appealing, yet not too handsome to be real, hero, and a great paring of Lindsey Wagner (the Bionic Woman) and Lee Majors ($6,000,000 man) as the older secondary love interests. It also had a hiss-worthy evil rival for the hero's affection. It did devolve as it went on, though. There was just no reason for the cute vet and the worthy owner of the animal shelter not to be together before the movie was half-way through. The TV reporter rival was thoroughly unpleasant all the way through to absolutely everyone, including the hero. He had an instant rapport with our vet, lots in common, and were childhood sweethearts. The mean girl did not even like dogs! And didn't even bother to pretend! There was a lame filler inserted that was supposed to keep the soulmates apart and movie to get to the end of two hours. The evil one gets him a prestigious national job of his dreams. But it was all a lie to try to get him to New York and was quickly exposed. The whole thing just lost steam less than half way through, and was artificially padded in order to make it last longer. Would have been a better segment on Love American Style or The Love Boat.
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