Gravity (2010)
Weird but good!
11 September 2017
I'd like to think that if I were a TV exec, I would create a subgenre of TV, and call it something like 'indie TV'. There's TV comedies, TV dramas...but no genre to underscore the offbeat vibe of indie film. Sometimes I wonder, if there was such a thing, would the quirkier or more cerebral shows gain the traction they deserve?

Anyway, if 'indie TV' was a genre, "Gravity" would certainly qualify. Alas, it also places on my list of "Shows Canceled Too Soon/Unexpectedly". This rates among "Wonderfalls", "Pushing Daisies" or "Dead Like Me", though definitely lower on the quality side. If you liked these, if you don't mind cynical characters or unconventional- sometimes-outrageous humor; this show just might be for you. The best I can say about the tone of "Gravity" is that it doesn't really have a genre, which is why I think 'indie' is a perfect match for it. Not only are the characters struggling with labels (being suicidal in the past, maybe still, maybe not anymore,) the show struggles to define itself as one thing. Such is life, which is basically why I love the indie vibe so much. "Gravity" is not straight comedy, but it's not exactly grim enough to be a drama - yet, weird as it is - something about this show works. The character of Jorge is my least-favorite (he's just too outrageous for me to like); but Ivan Sergei's character, along with the character of Lily (Krysten Ritter, in one of her first roles) makes "Gravity" just fascinating enough...and Miller? Well, who knows what's up with that guy...too many questions surround him.

I will say that if nothing else - if you do check this one out and you watch it all the way through...prepare to do a double-take toward the end of the last episode.
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