Review of Leatherface

Leatherface (2017)
A surprisingly solid entry in the TCM universe
26 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Some of what makes modern reimaginings of classic horror films, not so endearing is that you can't replicate the original's look and feel. 70's horror, especially The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, has that grainy, cheap, almost documentary type feel to it. I thought the Platinum Dunes remake nailed the feel and ambiance of the original. This one comes really close to nailing it as well.

Being an origin story, it doesn't start out feeling much like a Texas Chainsaw movie. It opens well enough but then the setting changes to a mental institution and you are introduced to a character that you think and believe is going to grow up to be Leatherface. Here we meet some of the main characters and one of them is Lizzy, played by Vanessa Grasse. I hope to see more of her. Her beauty is what you first notice about her but she plays the character really well. She's strong at first and then completely vulnerable once it gets going. The two most recognizable faces in the film are Lily Taylor, as the Sawyer mom and Stephen Dorff as an obsessed sheriff, wanting to once and for all put an end to the Sawyer clan. Both are very good here as well.

Once out of the institution, things get pretty crazy. There's a lot of death, murder, gore and gruesome scenes, most of it taking place in a diner.

This is also a bit of a mystery because you think you know where the film is going and then they pull the rug out from under you and make you question who is who and what is what. This is another element I enjoyed about it.

When we finally get to the chainsaw massacre part of it, it feels right. This film reminded me of Unforgiven in a way. Through both films, there are hints of what you are hoping to see and there is a lot of character development and then when things finally go down, you are kind of ecstatic. Once the chainsaw makes an appearance and people are sliced and diced, it's a bit shocking. One death in particular took me by complete surprise.

I liked this entry and next to the original and the PD remake, this is the best one in my opinion.

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