Alien: Covenant (7/10)
21 October 2017
The contrast between Prometheus and Alien are very distinct in terms of the story, tone, characters, just about everything by Ridley Scott was done different. Although unsettling bleak feeling of Alien probably can never be recreated by Scott, his work on the Alien franchise is all that I am interested in seeing at this point. Thus, Alien: Covenant was pretty anticipated, seeing how the new story begins to bridge together Scott's two other films.

Covenant starts off with a couple remarkable scenes involving a Fassbender flashback towards Prometheus and a chaotic scene of deep space turbulence. The imagery of the space scenes are still on the level of what one would expect to be in a Star Wars film. Covenant did a good job in adopting old concepts and keeping them fresh with different takes. The brutality is also there with intensity and gore not being an issue. Where the film falls flat though is the cast around Fassbender, there's just no other way around poorly delivered dialogue and forgettable characters. In the film's conclusion, there is also a big problem with predictability as the ending can be seen coming from a mile away. Covenant is a solid addition the franchise but in no ways does it knock the ball out into space.
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