Softcore Cut and Paste
24 October 2017
Ghost Bride of Dracula (2014)

** (out of 4)

Van Helsing puts a bounty out for the female Dracula so a dimwit and his girlfriend head to a mysterious castle where they find all sorts of beauties. Soon the dimwit is drawn into the vampire clan.

This here goes under a couple different titles and according to the IMDb there appears to be a couple different running times. The version of Amazon Prime goes under the title GHOST BRIDE OF Dracula and runs around thirty-three minutes. However, once the end credits are over, the film continues for about eleven-minutes worth of girls in swimming suits stretching and doing other non-erotic stuff.

This is obviously a complete hack-job because not only do you have the alternate running times but you've also got scenes lifted from Paul Naschy's COUNT DRACULA'S GREAT LOVE. I've noticed that this company likes to take clips from other movies and put them into their films to expand the running time and that happens here as well.

For the most part this is a pretty innocent film that at least manages to hold your attention throughout its very short running time. The film offers up some campy dialogue, a decent music score and for this type of low-budget movie I'd argue that it's fairly well-made. There's some nudity scattered throughout but those expecting something as naughty as what you might see on Cinemax at three in the morning will be disappointed.
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