-Can Wesley save the day again ?
1 November 2017
-It was a good episode,although i think 'Donnie Darko' Mudd should be punished for the things he did.Many of the old trekkers don't like the episodes where a kid like Wesley Crusher can sit on the bridge ,but for me,the worst episodes were the ones with a single person or a small group trying to hijack a Federation ship.If a person or group of people would try ,in our days, to hijack a Navy ship from a huge fleet,would be considered just a stupid guy or a stupid group without any real chance to succeed,because they should fight with a very well trained group of military men full of resources of any kind.Harry Mudd is not a even very well trained guy or a very smart one (like Moriarty was in TNG) ,i mean almost anybody from Discovery could beat him in a matter of seconds and let's not forget all of them are very smart officers also. Another annoying thing is the fact the Vulcans remain the only classic species from the whole series.Even Guardians of the Galaxy has two (or even more) classic Star Trek species,Andorians and the Orion slave girls ,The Shannara Chronicles have a better version of Vulcans and The Orville has a version of Jem' Hadar and the blue guys and those series are not even claim to be Star Trek series.It's enough the fact they replaced the Klingons with a worst version,ignoring already established things from the canon like the fact the Klingons have hair and they don't have ridges on the back side of their head and the fact the name of their houses represent the name of their family and not the name of their subspecies .They enjoy the life and they are not too much influenced by the religion.If this weird show is canon ,i can't imagine how Worf or B'elanna will look in the future.Their weapons,costumes ,ships,D7 cruisers are looking totally different,also they originally got their cloaking device from The Romulans ,as a result of a peace treaty in 2268,and if they already obtained one before that (or a similar technology) ,then why they would need another one from the Romulans ?!?. They are speaking louder and they are moving faster than this new version and they are not racists . Also Sarek was just a diplomat in the original version,not a warrior, he doesn't like human children,just like any ordinary Vulcan,let's not forget he was disappointed even by his son , the only half-human baby Spock.Also they are not capable the connect with a human minds on such huge distances,even The Betazoids can't do that. In the new series ,all the officers from Discovery have mental problems ,even if the tests for joining the Starfleet are so hard to pass (for example Wesley was rejected,even he was very successful on the tests).The show suggest the officers are cheating on tests ,but it's hard to believe that in the future the psychological evaluation will not evolve at all.For one of the officers or ensigns like Tilly there is no need for tests to see they are unfit for a Starfleet career .Tilly suggests she was chosen for Starfleet because of her mind,even she is fat and incapable to communicate with the others,this is wrong,Starfleet never does that in the other series,and i really don't understand how she pass the sports test.Michael Burnham is back in the Starfleet,she even got her ranks back ,even she was sentenced for life for her actions.In case the producers don't know ,in many military forces ,for mutiny in case of war,she could even be killed by her superior officer.Also ,for a human raised from a species without feeling like the Vulcans ,she is too much driven by her feelings,she acts against her superior officer,because she remember how the Klingons killed her parents and she looses her control,she feel sorry for the tardigrade ,even she saw him killing her mates with ferocity.She obvious has no skills for an officer ,because she clearly can't be objective when is needed. Captain Lorca is a paranoid captain ,even if he had the chance to choose his crew he is still nervous .His actions are always weird and wrong,so i cant understand how the doctor from the ship let him on the command of the ship from the first place.He also has huge problems with his relations with the other officers.Also the producers promised to show cyborgs,robots and androids ,even if Data and Lore were the first androids . The Starfleet insignias are wrong,because the delta sign was use much later as a general standard .The uniforms,weapons should look like the ones from "The Cage",the pilot episode from the original series which takes place in the same period of time with Discovery.The holograms were used in comunications by the Starfleet only in the last seasons of Deep Space Nine.The exterior ,and interior design of the Starfleet ships is looking like the show takes place in a post- Voyager era.On the shuttle bays it shouldn't be shields ,because they used pressurization.The shuttles are too advanced.The holodeck was used only in the animated series which is not canon.If the mushroom drive existed,then why the crew from U.S.S. Voyager doesn't use it ?!? Well, if the producers will confess someday that Star Trek : Discovery is not canon ,then this review will remain just a worthless commentary ,but till then...
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