Warner Bros.' warning department (aka, The Looney Tuners) felt a particular urgency . . .
26 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . to alert We Americans of (The Then) Far Future to the unprecedented ludicrous debacle that befell the pinnacle of the U.S. Government this week. Pressed to the brink of cerebral psychic overload by this unbelievable looming crisis, Warner uncharacteristically casts its Number One Looney Tunes Star--Bugs Bunny--as the BAD GUY in this atypical outing, HIS HARE RAISING TALE. Though contemporary audiences of this cartoon no doubt perceived HARE RAISING as a lazy recycling of previous Bugs offerings for a slow week at the local Rialto, Warner--as always--was NOT primarily concerned about THEM, or even what little effect this ploy would have on ephemeral box office receipts. No, Warner was altruistically eager to address US regarding the spreading cancer its Doctors of the Future had perceived in the 2017 Oval Office. Therefore, HARE RAISING presents their usually beloved star--Bugs Bunny--as a pathologically-lying sociopath, corrupting the faith of his young nephew in adult veracity. Whether it's a lie about a nose-diving plane stopping in mid-air when it runs out of gas, or presenting our Apollo Moon Landing as a Hollywood Hoax, Bugs prevaricates here until he's Blue in the Face. Warner's Prognosticators Non Pareil are preparing We Unfortunate Americans of the 21st Century, of Course, for our current False Witnesser-in-Chief, Don Juan Rump. When Hitler was named Time Magazine's "Man of the Year" in 1938, even "Der Fuhrer" did not falsely Tweet out that he had declined the "honor" the following year. But as HARE RAISING TALE warned us would happen if we let Red Commie KGB Chief Vlad "The Mad Russian" Putin rig our elections, the Deplorable Rump did JUST THAT this week, which makes him WORSE THAN H!TLER in the Looney Tune's Book.
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