Shame, shame on the humans doing this
5 December 2017
What an eye-opener. I simply had no earthly idea what is going on with "exotic animals" in the United States. I mean WTF. Who in their right mind would keep wild animals as household pets? This needs to be outlawed in all 50 states. I applaud the effort made in the state of Ohio and all 49 other states need to follow suit - immediately. On top of my disbelief at the statistics of the number of lethal creatures there are in US households, I could hardly believe what the Amish are doing. They have one of the main sources for the purchase of these creatures that need to be living life in their own natural habitat. Not in homes where they can literally kill or maim a young child at any given moment because this has happened - repeatedly. Not a one time occurrence. There should be a law that if someone has this type of creature and the creature causes harm or death to a human, that person should be held liable and serve prison time. Period. I thank the producer for this documentary and opening my eyes as I plan to contact my local representatives to find out what the laws are where I live and if this practice is allowed, to petition to prohibit it. Permanently. Geesh. I wonder just how more mad humans can get. I mean mad in a mentally ill state. Good heavens people, this is what domesticated animals are for.
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