The Twilight Zone: The Rip Van Winkle Caper (1961)
Season 2, Episode 24
One of the worst written and acted episodes of the entire series
19 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Rod Serling wrote some beautiful, compelling stories; he could also write stilted dialogue around premises that were sadly pathetic. Unfortunately, this episode falls into the latter category. A bit of dialogue: "How is it going to work?" "Don't you know?", followed by a didactic explanation of the suspension process, which you could figure out visually by yourself in five seconds. Another: "How long will we be under, Doctor?" "I don't know, it could be five years, could be 100"; then they wake up and he knows it's exactly 2061. They emerge from their plastic bins without any hair or fingernail growth; it's only after one of the guys asks "how could that be?" that the brilliant physicist/chemist thinks a bit and, in an "aha" moment, figures out that their bodily functions must have been suspended -- really? He only figures this out AFTER applying the "can't fail" system he developed? Come on, Rod, give us a break. You were a great producer, but you made history when you left the story writing to Richard Matheson, Charles Beaumont, George Clayton Johnson, Earl Hamner Jr... those are the ones who wrote the really great and memorable episodes!
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