Has a slow start but warms up to an great climax!
24 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Cesar Romero is also the star of Lady in the Fog (1952) (Scotland Yard Inspector in the USA), competently directed by Pat Jackson and Sam Newfield for Hammer/Lippert. (Jackson and Newfield did not work in tandem. My educated guess is that Jackson was replaced by Newfield when wanted for a more prestigious assignment).

The movie also boasts moody photography by Walter J. Harvey.

After a slow start, the film gradually picks up pace, coming to a terrific climax in a movie studio.

Geoffrey Keen gives a great performance, while Bernadette O'Farrell easily steals the female honors from the nominal star, the surprisingly colorless (at least in this assignment) Lois Maxwell.

Available on an excellent VCI DVD.
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