I hate that I love this
27 December 2017
This is the worst movie ever made. I honestly hope that rumor is true that the director used this as a money laundering scheme to get 5 million dollars into his bank account because the alternative of him actually being so inept that he made this piece of utter garbage, this affront to God, is too much to bear. The dialogue is horrible, the sound design is horrible, there is no semblance of plot, they don't know how to make a movie a movie. The most egregious part was the inclusion of 5 minute, dialogue and music free animation sequences, seemingly made by a baby Orangutan with severe down syndrome (obviously that is a joke, but, seriously, they are unfathomably horrible that I couldn't think of a more apt analogy). However, based upon all of this, I had the most fun watching this movie than I have ever had watching anything in my life. The shear ineptitude was nauseatingly bad, yet so entertaining to watch. I love this movie for all the reasons that I should absolutely hate it, because my animalistic nature makes me want to love a train wreck. EDIT: I got my rating wrong, this film does not deserve a 10/10, which I had as a joke, but seriously the fact that this has a 6 on IMDBrein is completely ridiculous, it is 1.9 points away from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, think about that.
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