Review of Thirteen

Thirteen (2016)
I'm retired police and think the BBC should be ashamed of this
31 December 2017
I will admit I am probably biased - I am retired Police. I am amazed at how many good reviews I have seem for this. NO way in a million years would the victim be interviewed by police in the way portraid. To begin with, she would be de-briefed by trained psycologist - a victim of this type would be so traumatised she would be retreating inwards as a self defence mechanism, afraid to talk and afraid to communicate. The acting is wooden and completetly unrealist, and most of the proceedures and interviews shown would not comply with any guidelines, would be inadmisable in any court, and so it goes on. Perhaps worst of all, from the very start, we have a potential traumatised victim being treated as a suspect, in a barely repectful way. No modern police service would get away with such inept investigation or interview techniques. Clearly, whoever wrote this knows little about such offences, and even less about how police would go about investigating it. I find this series offensive to the hard efforts and selfless work put into such investigations by real police, who do investigate such things.
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