Radio Flyer (1992)
Good Movie but Misleading
2 January 2018
Good movie, mostly kind of sad but also kind of happy in a symmetric kind of way. And Frodo has always been a good actor.

What annoys me is the way the movie, and Hollywood in general, put the blame of child abuse on men and alcohol. But the cause is rampant divorce and feminist extremists' denial of biology.

Biological parents care more for their own children, and feminists expect their new partner to ignore that primal instinct. Children living with one parent and unmarried partner are more than 8 times more likely to be abused.

Divorce is about individual freedom, and I get that, but people ignore that it leads to unhappy lives, it often bankrupts the biological father, and the children lose a parent, and in bad cases, children are beaten and even die because of divorce.

Hollywood should paint a more realistic picture, but I understand that they are in the business of selling emotions, not education.
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