Hellraiser Deader - Winter's Lament: More poorly made drivel
13 January 2018
A follow up to Hellraiser Prophecy, Jonathan Kui brings us another fanmade movie. This time heavily influenced by Hellraiser: Deader (2005).

The trouble with Prophecy was that it was not only shoddily made but it ultimately made little to no sense. Alas this suffers the same fate and was a weak head scratching 30 minutes.

As I've said many times before, don't swing above your weight and that's what these guys and girls keep doing.

The Good:

Continues on from previous content

The Bad:

Atrocious acting

Makes no sense

Everything just looks and sounds terrible

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Hellraiser has lost it's way to the extent that not even the fans can get it right
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