Lego DC Comics Superheroes Justice League - Gotham City Breakout: Really?
14 January 2018
I like DC (I'm a nerd it's in my DNA) I also like LEGO media as it's always had a certain charm about it so it was written in the stars that DC Lego movies would be great for me. Right?

This is the first feature length Lego movie I've seen and I have to say, it's an utter mess.

I'm blown away by just how bad it was, and many voice acting greats including Troy Baker were involved which makes it that much worse.

It's like a Saturday morning cartoon, without the occasional funny joke or nod to the parents. It was decidedly unfunny, the plot was mediocre and...and....I honestly don't even know what to say.

It's about Batman taking a holiday, in his absence Superman takes over and finds himself overwhelmed and outsmarted. Yeah, exactly what you're thinking!

There are several of these and I'm concerned, are they all like this?

The Good:

Includes the proper Harley Quinn actress

The Bad:

Jokers voice is terrible, sounds like he's on helium

Practically every joke falls flat

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Nobody bothered to tell the writers that Ivy's pheremones don't work on girls

A book with no pages is never late from the library

Pheremones give you the munchies
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