Super Friends (1973–1985)
The best drawings of all the SF series...the episodes? well, depends on your taste.
21 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
____The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians (1985-86)___ ---- TV Animated Show. " SuperFriends " Last Season.---

This season or show (how you like to see it) of the Superfriends had a superior quality in its drawings and animation by a mile. This last incarnation of the Justice League of the eighties had the most definite and precise drawings ever used to that date to depict heroic characters. Even today, we can notice how good work of art if was. Nevertheless, the improvement on the side of the story-lines is not as clear as on the side of the drawings...or maybe it is, it depends a lot on the episode you are referring to and your personal taste.

During last season, Firestorm became a regular member of the team of super-powered heroes, same as Cyborg became a regular member in this one and both seasons had evil Darkseid, ruler of a planet named Apokolips that he already had under his boots, as the most powerful adversary of our team of heroes. While Firestorm and Cyborg didn´t seem in my opinion as characters interesting enough despite how powerful they were, mostly Firestorm, having Darkseid as a recurring villain, among other good elements, made the show worthy of its "Galactic Guardians" title.

Two historically important Episodes:

Episode 4: THE FEAR; it was the first time that the origin of the BATMAN was told in the screen media, that is, outside comics or graphic novels, after that, pretty much every version of the character mentions that origin, pretty much unaltered.

Episode 8: THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN; Based on an "out of sequence" story by Jerry Siegel (the original creator of the Man of Steel), it tells the tale of Superman being apparently poisoned by an enormous dose of Kryptonite. In the early nineties, a series of comics and their respective Graphic Novel by the title of "Death of Superman" became among the greatest bestsellers in the field.

Thanks for reading.

David del Real. 2018.
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