Come What May (I) (2009)
Come What May Review 2: Electric Boogaloo
3 February 2018
Come What May ruined my life. It consumed me, it trapped my soul in this purgatory where I live now. I am stuck here forever, doomed to watch the movie daily as it consumes me. All I have is my bed, the movie, and a television. As I watch it each day I remember what my life was like before. Perhaps I should start at the beginning. It was a normal day, or so I thought. I was just having what I thought would be a normal time at the College Republicans Convention, but then we decided to watch the movie again. I thought I could handle it. I thought wrong. As the movie wore on, I began to despair so greatly that I could not live with myself. The movie awoken something utterly indescribable. It tore at my heartstrings in a way nothing else could. And as my despair grew, there was nothing I could do. I cried out to God and threw myself off the balcony. "If this be your will, I deserve not to live," I cried. Alas, I did not die. I was merely rendered unconscious. During that time, I experienced something that I hope no one else does. I lived that movie over and over, seeing it. I may have only seen it eight times, but it felt like millions. When I came to, I didn't know what to do. So I did the only thing I remembered. I began quoting the movie, line by line, over and over. I couldn't stop. Those words were all I remembered, consuming me. I was declared insane, for obvious reasons. I will never forget my family and classmates weeping as I was committed. It has been a dark time for me in the mental institution. Though I was beginning to relearn things, I received a care package from a certain female classmate (who shall remain nameless) containing just three items: a DVD player, a small television, and Come What May. Why she did this, I may never know, and I certainly hope never to know. I suppose some people are just evil. But I was still obsessed, and I watched. I watched and watched and couldn't stop. I went days without sleep. All I knew was the movie, and I loved it, and it loved me. It was my only friend for these ten years. I will never forgive anyone for what they did to me. I hate them all. A decade and counting of my life wasted because of that wretched movie. It may not be right to blame them, but someone must be blamed, and they did this to me. If only I hadn't decided to see it all those years ago. To let it remain a mystery forever rather than have the life I do now. Every day that my family comes to visit, I am haunted by it, knowing what would have happened if I had just made the right decision and stayed far away from that movie. I could have made something of my life, done something great. But that movie keeps me here, forever, as I watch it each day, compelled by some satanic force forever. Don't make the same mistake as me. Let this be a cautionary tale, that you may not befall the same fate that I did. Come What May is the devil's work and anyone that tells you otherwise is working for him. This movie is an abomination to humanity and an affront to God.
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