Star Trek: Enterprise: Kir'Shara (2004)
Season 4, Episode 9
An Important Turning Point for the Vulcans
1 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Kir'Shara" marks the end of the trilogy of episodes marking the Vulcan (Civil War, Renaissance, whatever you want to call it). Archer has discovered the Kir'Shara and plans to bring it to the High Council in the hopes of preventing a war with the Andorians. But the administrator has sent out a team in an attempt to stop them and wipe out the remaining Syrrannites. Trip has taken the Enterprise, along with Ambassador Soval, to a nebula where Shran is located. They try to alert Shran of the danger of the surprise attack the High Council is planning but he is skeptical. Shran kidnaps Soval and tortures him in the hopes of finding out the actual location of the Vulcan fleet. The Enterprise must juggle itself and attempt to remain neutral but also prevent an all-out war from starting. Archer must find a way to show the Kir'Shara to the High Command.

This was a suitable end to the story. Archer saves the day, Trip helps stall long enough to prevent a war from breaking out, and V'Las is relieved of duty. The final scene caught me by surprise; I was not expecting a Romulan to appear on Enterprise. But it does help explain why this rift between the council had been taking place recently. The Kir'Shara's teachings will most likely increase the differences between the Vulcans & Romulans. They will not be able to see eye to eye. The passing of T'Les is sad; I would have like to have seen her develop as a character more. It also seems mighty convenient that T'Pol was released from her marriage so easily. This clears the way for Trip to swoop in on her.
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