Not a complete travesty, but is definitely not recomended
24 March 2018
Making an action movie takes some skill, and making a comedy takes some skill as well. However, when you are making a movie that is half action and half comedy, you really need a great deal of skill. The two genres are really different from each other, and you need a lot of care to successful mix them together. It has happened successfully in the past several times, but "Boone: The Bounty Hunter" is not one of those examples. It doesn't work in practically any way you can think of, but I think its worst offence is its kind of comedy. Apart from two or three mildly amusing moments, the movie is not only unfunny, it is way too jokey. The characters as a result come across as dimwits and lack any warmth that may win them the audience's favor. The action is a few notches better (there is occasionally some impressive stunt work, for one thing), but it is often directed and edited in a way that makes it particularly hard to follow and get excited about. The bad editing also extends to the main narrative; there are a few noticeable plot holes, as if linking footage or simple explanation was never shot in the first place. The icing on the cake are some often really rock bottom production values. Quite often the movie looks like it was shot in someone's backyard or in abandoned lots near the filmmakers' homes. Come to think about it, the look and feel of the entire enterprise at times strongly resembles someone's home movie. Why pay money to see this when your teenage son can shoot something like this for free?
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