Good premise, could've gone better, but a good grade for the awesome acting.
23 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Look, I'm not a critic nor an expert in cinematography or whatever, so can't say I will do justice to this movie by writting an intricate review with big words and fancy expressions, so I won't.

Instead, I will just say its a must watch, defintely an interesting story complemented by great acting and good pacing. Would've loved if it had a longer runtime, some more insight about the 7 sisters could've gone a long way in nailing the emotional portion of the movie, must still, beggers can't be choosers.

I saw some reviews saying "I didn't expect this", "surprised me"... It's not hard to figure that Monday was the one that gave them up. True, the reason isn't given away until the end, but it was easy to speculate until then: she wanted to be her own self, to not having to share her image and her achievements. The pregnancy was ...at most meh, the movie didn't invest more in announcing that to us, so I didn't care, if she just wanted to be the only one, it would've been enough for a reason for her actions, personal opinion. But still, I don't watch movies for the plot holes, I watch it for the world invisioned and characters.

And those parts were great. Cremating kids ? Damn ! It was one thing to try to make a coat out of 101 dalmatians, which in itself is bad enough, but keeping the Earth's population in check by burning them ? If we can neuter and spade dogs and cats, why not go for that with humans also ? Or, I don't know, an infertility drug in the water ? So many more "humane" ways that would've made the bad guy still bad.

i don't know, the movie just made me want more and I like that, I wish I could've seen the girls growing up, developing their own personalities, learning how to fool the world into believing they're one and the same...

In Thor's words: *slams DVD* ANOTHER !
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