The strange disinterest in forward movement
27 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film is loaded and overloaded with visual ideas. Two directors, perhaps too many ideas? Or too little story or interest in telling a story. There is very little talk in the film so don't let the fact that it's subtitled distract you as everything else will eventually.

It has a David Lynch vibe to it at times in both a good and bad way though this is hyper paced rather the leaden though strangely it eventually proves to be going nowhere fast.

Though it's easy to say the film is beautiful looking--it borrows heavily from several films in particular that fans will know. The thing is though the photography doesn't make the people look good--they all seem wrinkled and loaded with bumps and warts that the way the film is shot emphasizes, is this on purpose? Hard to say but the film's interest isn't exactly in people so it may just be an oversight, or some jacked up director idea to make everyone non-glamorous.

There is a story at least suggested here in the first half hour but the movie is overlong and has a number of repeated little visual gags. almost like a highlight reel---as it to say, hey we really thought this one scene we did five minutes ago was cool, what if we show it to you again. And fast cutting gets just as boring as no cutting when the same style is used to edit every scene. The movie repeats it's best bits so much you start to hate them.

Then it has a final baffling ten minutes--that feels like 20--that really make no sense whatsoever. You lose all sense of who any of the characters are by that point, you won't even know who's story it is by then.

Use of authentic Giallo music is effective--and mostly used as source music--I guess the character's like to listen to Giallo music as you seen them start LP's at a number of points.

It's a movie that doesn't know when to quit doing anything, it's almost like scenes cut out off a "real" giallo film or alternate edits.

Of interest or distraction is the overuse of extreme close ups and split screen. if you're interested in unusual styles or shooting this will be of interest and show what works and what sure doesn't.

If you're just a gore and giallo exploitation fan you'll likely get pissed off multiple times.

A film worth a look but not really worth watching all of. What you'd call an interesting failure.
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