Exploration into a myriad of prejudices and discrimination against anyone with differences
1 May 2018
The movie ranked highly for me in being well acted and artistically framed. The message was clear. The movie was set in a time we can safely think we have evolved away from, to more easily show the cruelties of prejudice and discrimination toward job rank and education, people with disabilities, women, people of color, homosexuals, people who believe differently (the Russian scientist) and non-humans. The crazed "villian" was motivated mostly by his ambition and his extreme limitations as a person, not because he was evil. It was surreal seeing him in his happy 50's or early 60's home environment, as if his family had no clue to who he was. I wished the movie included a truly fleshed out back story for the characters, especially the two lovers. All of the central characters gave us bits and pieces of their backstory, but not enough for me to really latch onto and feel engaged enough to care deeply about them. I think that would have helped me in this story. I do like how the artist friend speaks his assumptions about how it ended for the lovers, however I am not sure that was to be believed. I would not care to watch this movie again. Final opinion of the movie: A message movie which is artistic and sometimes beautiful, yet heavy handed at the same time.
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