102 Not Out (2018)
Live forever
6 May 2018
This is a comedy based on a Gujrati play. A 102 year old guy and his 75 year old son live in their ancestral home in Ville Parle in Mumbai. The father is a happy go lucky type of person whereas his son is a rigid, stuck up kind of a person who has a fixed daily routine, going to the doctor daily, etc. One day the father tells him that he is shifting the son to a old age home because he wants to beat the record of the longest living person and needs to be surrounded by happy people, which his son is not. If he does not want to go to the old age home, he has to perform certain tasks. In this way he wants to teach his son to enjoy life, be independent and live a long life, like him.

The director gets everything right from the get go. From the liver spots on the father's face to the finale where the son breaks away from his son's hold. The script is fantastic, the pacing of the movie is good and they don't go over the top ever. The performances by all three characters are excellent.

The Indian concept of family first is challenged here. You as a individual need to enjoy your own life without depending on anyone for that enjoyment. This applies not only to the older folks but to everyone.
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