Outrage Coda (2017)
More outrage than anyone expected
10 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Sanno-kai has been decimated by Hanabishi-kai. Hanada screws up. Chang demands satisfaction. Otomo wants revenge. Ichikawa goes fishing.

Nomura is despised. Nishino fakes his own death. Nakata badly miscalculates. Shigeta becomes frustrated. The dankai no seidai grow restless. Gomi takes a risk.

Who controls Jeju Island? How did Nishino's car end up in the lake? What is the secret behind Hanada's assault on the prostitutes? Why was Nomura's lieutenant murdered with an explosive ball gag?

I rate Autoreiji Coda at 26.64 on the Haglee Scale, which works out as an outrageous 8/10 on IMDB.
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