SHE MUST GO!!! part 5
17 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Going into part 6, I didn't even expect any changes in Meiko. What surprised me was the return of my second least favorite character in the franchise; Davis. I don't want to branch off away from the fact that the entirety of the dilemma wouldn't have occurred if Meiko showed her partner some love, but I have to talk about Davis. He wasn't actually doing anything, he was only asleep in some kind of chamber. It's just the fact that he has been in there for that long and no one has searched for him is really crazy. Not only that, but they decided to make him cannon and not Willis, who I would say is top ten digi-destined. Going back to Meiko, she really finds a way to upstage herself on my hatred scale. It's not that she gets even worse emotionally... well I guess that is exactly my issue. She mistreats her digimon to the point that it decides to destroy the earth. I find so many issues with her writing, but I won't say that Tri is bad as a whole. Tri is a spectacular addition to the original Digimon series. I definitely suggest checking out both series.
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