Mr. Imperium (1951)
Not nearly as bad as I'd imagined.
2 July 2018
When the film begins, Fredda Barlo (Lana Turner) is on tour, singing up a storm across Europe. Prince Alexis (Ezio Pinza) is captivated by her and stalks her until she falls for him (not a very healthy cliche, I know). However, soon after they begin their affair, the King dies and Prince Alexis is swept off to assume the throne.

Years pass. Fredda is now a big film star and she and Alexis lost contact due to WWII. Now, out of the blue, he has returned and wants Fredda for his snookie-wookie. Can this meeting at a desert resort rekindle their love or is 'Mr. Imperium' (the alias the King is now using) wasting his time?

Ezio Pinza was new to acting, having spent the years before this film as a successful opera and Broadway singer. As his first film, he has a lovely voice going for him but he also is rather old to be wooing a significantly younger woman. He also could have used captions, as occasionally I couldn't understand what he was his accent was quite thick. MGM thought his debut was a bomb and they shelved the film for a year...not a good sign at all. But is it, in spite of this, any good? Yes...and no. I think the film works reasonably well DESPITE him. Pinza might have been a lovely leading man back in the 30s...but by 1951, he simply looked old...which, he was for his film debut in his mid-50s. As for Miss Turner, she's pretty much her usual self in this one, though it's sad MGM didn't cast someone who could sing in this role. Overall, a mildly entertaining film and not the bomb I expected...though this is hardly a glowing endorsement.

By the way, if you do see the picture, look for a young Debbie Reynold about midway through the story.
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