The Boy Who Cried Werewolf is a pretty entertaining family-friendly horror film
4 July 2018
This is yet another of these obscure werewolf movies I found out from Wikipedia before then watching it on YouTube. In concerns a boy and his father camping in the woods at night. The dad gets attacked by that certain creature and you can guess what happens from there... There's also the man's ex-wife, a sheriff, a young couple with a trailer in the park, and hippies who are also camping in the same grounds to deal with. Whatever humor abounds are due to the hippies. This seems to be a more family-friendly horror movie as whatever killings happen are done off-screen with those being mentioned only afterwards. The tone is uneven but by the last 20 minutes, it does get exciting real fast. So that makes The Boy Who Cried Werewolf worth a look on that note.
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