Tolerable comedy, not great romance
7 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Tout le monde debout" or "Rolling to You" (oh well) is a new French/Belgian co-production from 2018 written and directed by Franck Dubosc and he also plays the main character who is virtually in every scene from this 105-minute movie. For me, this was not so positive as I struggled a bit with his acting at times. But that may be just me when I felt he was too much over the top occasionally and well, i also did not find him to have the most likable presence, which was a crucial deal breaker in how much I liked, or I should say "did not like", his character in here. His female counterpart played by Alexandra Lamy was not much better sadly. She does virtually nothing with a fairly solid character and I really did not care at all about the two getting together to be honest. But I did like the two friends of the main character. They elevated the material and film overall here. The script was sometimes okay in terms of comedy, but not always as funny as they wanted it to be. Here and there is a scene though that will inevitably put a smile on your lips. Also with Dubosc. Don#t get me wrong, he isn't bad or anything and it is definitely a better comedy than it is a romance movie eventually. The best example for how short it comes with regard to romance is the very last scene that is oh so crucial and still feels so rushed in with how she suddenly appears at the marathon track exactly where he is (42 kilometers folks...) and they get together. Not gonna happen. All this after a rushed-in birthday present scene that felt all for the sake of it too, never really credible, but just with the intention to make the main character more likable. His whole character transformation did not do too much for me I must admit and did not feel too realistic either looking at as what he starts and what he becomes. There were aspects I liked though, for example that the woman knows he's been faking and honestly this did feel right as a wheelchair driver would see the used shoes or smell the stinky feet if even other characters recognize that. The side story with her sister and his brother becoming an item too was okay, but admittedly added very little in the overall picture. Same can be said about everything else if we look away from the comedy. I kinda liked how the Lourdes trip went wrong and that they did not go for a self-important solution there. But the (almost) truck accident scene did feel cringeworthy for sure, no denying. So, overall some pros and some cons. I as somebody who really likes French films was a bit underwhelmed here by pretty much all aspects, even if maybe only one or two are on failure territory. A positive recommendation I give this one, but a pretty cautious one.
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